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Why Use Rescue-Sim?
Rescue-Sim is the leading interactive on-line first aid & vehicle extrication online training platform tailored for first responders and fire fighters.
We are dedicated to delivering a blended training experience, emphasising on first aid training in everyday situations and placing additional focus on vehicle extrication.
What sets Rescue-Sim apart is our distinctive interactive approach, ensuring that training becomes more engaging and candidates’ ability to retain vital information is significantly boosted.
Rescue-Sim enables training organisations to be prepare candidates for a training session, maintain the freshness of their skills, and/or validate their knowledge through periodic assessments.
Rescue-Sim addresses the ongoing challenge of training a dispersed workforce. It offers a viable alternative that minimises dependences on physical resources like training rooms, equipment, and specialised items (such as scrap vehicles and medical devices).
When deployed as part of a blended training approach, Rescue-Sim streamlines the organisation and execution of training. This reduces time, and enables training companies to provide training to more organisations without the resource constraint. To view the complete syllabus click here.
How to Use Rescue-Sim
Rescue-Sim is an on-line interactive training platform designed for blended learning within emergency services and training organisations,used by first responders and any other professionals that provide emergency response. Once registered you can select the desired training module, this will offer you three modes:
Training Mode – This mode provides full training, guiding you through each step and provides valuable training information. This mode allows individuals to train at anytime and anywhere.
Assessment Mode – This mode is very similar to training mode, but removes the next steps and guidance, it is designed to test your understanding and confirms you have learnt the key aspects from the initial training. Once you have completed the module with no errors or hints you will be awarded with a certificate of completion.
Trainer Mode – This mode allows a trainer to place items freely, this can be used in classroom training sessions, or for general discussions in groups.
The Benefits of Rescue-Sim
Rescue-Sim can provide the following benefits when used within a blended learning strategy for first aid and vehicle extrication:
Pre-Course Training – Candidates can prepare for on-site training and establish a good theoretical understanding of processes, this will ultimately speed up on-site training sessions enabling trainers to undertake training in a reduced time frame without any compromise in the quality of training
Primary Training – Trainers can use Rescue-Sim as their primary training platform, saving valuable time and remove the issues of scheduling training. Trainers can then supplement training when their schedule permits.
Post-Course Training – Candidates can increase their breadth of knowledge by undertaking further training within Rescue-Sim, covering more scenario’s and subject matters which they may not have had time during their on-site training sessions.
Assessment and Certification – Candidates and trainers can ensure their on-site training has been learnt by using Rescue-Sim’s Assessment mode, this will ensure candidates have retained the knowledge and will automatically provide certification of completion, removing the overhead of testing, marking and distributing certificates.
Refresh Knowledge – Candidates can refresh their knowledge at any time, ensuring their training is maintained and they are always ready to save lives.
Cost-Effective – Rescue-Sim is a very cost-effective training solution, used as a blended learning approach you can maximise any on-site training.
Overall, Rescue-Sim provides a safe, cost-effective, and customisable training solution for firefighters and first responders that helps to prepare them for real-world emergency situations.

A Scenario is a module which covers multiple actions from the start of a vehicle extrication rescue through to the completion. These can be undertaken in Training Mode, Assessment Mode, or Trainer Mode.

An Incident provides trainers with specific vehicles or situations, allowing them to annotate the scene, discuss the approaches and review extrication techniques that would be used in these situations.

A Training Module focuses on a specific extrication training subject, such as stabilising a vehicle, or making an electric vehicle safe. These can be undertaken in Training Mode, Assessment Mode, or Trainer Mode.